Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ruby Ball Cactus

Ruby Ball Cactus
scientific name:Gymnocalycium mihanovichii
common name: Ruby Ball Cactus
Bioloy & Ecology: The ruby ball cactus, or Gymnocalycium mihanovichii, is a cactus that is either bright red, orange, or yellow. This cactus is a mutation of a regular cactus because it is missing a green pigmentation that allows it to absorb light engery. It survives because it is grafted to a green cactus, which will abosrob the light for it. It is short-lived and produces pink blossoms under the best conditions.
Light Requirement; Full Sun to Bright Light
Water Requirement: Drench, Let Dry
Humidity: Average Home
Fertilizer: High Phosphorus
Propagation: Grafting
time taken: 4:30 pm.
Location: outside,but i keep it in my room on my window shelf.
what was it doing: photosynthesis.
Ruby Ball Cactus.

Ruby Ball Cactus.

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