Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Common Starling

Common Starling

common name: common starling
specific name: Sturnus vulgaris

Biology & Ecology: The common starling, or Sturnus vulgaris, is a bird that lives in varied habitats, those of open woodlands, forest edges, gardens, towns, coastal cliffs, semi-desert and farmlands. They are found in northern Europe, but have been introduced to Western Asia, North America, South Africa, Southern Australia and New Zealand. They are seen in large flocks, except in breeding season. They are omnivorous, so they adapt to many food. After being introduced to North America, they have resulted in population declines in other species. Common Starling nests in cavities or nest-boxes. The nest is made with sticks, dried grasses and plant fibres, papers, feathers.

location: front yard.
time: 2:30 pm.
what was it doing: sitting there.

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