Wednesday, November 7, 2012

American Crow

American Crow

common name: American Crow
scientific name: Corvus brachyrhynchos

Biology & Ecology: American Crows are pretty much seen all over the US. You will see them in your yard, trees, city,  highway. They will feed on almost anything, but eat worms, insects, seeds, and sometimes garbage. They can adapt almost anywhere, and will sit on a perch to look or food. The nest is made largely of medium-sized twigs with an inner cup lined with pine needles, weeds, soft bark, or animal hair. Crows will hide their nests, and prefer evergreens. They are social birds. Their population has increase, but may decrease due to the West Nile Virus.

Time: 2:20 pm.
Location: My backyard.
What was it doing: Perched on a tree.

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